Terms and conditions

The following general conditions of sale are an integral part of all our supply contracts, even when orders are taken by telephone, verbally, by fax, by post or e-mail.

Customers: Prosystem Italia S.r.l. sells the Sikla branded products in Italy exclusively to a professional clientele. The customer ensures that the purchase of the products takes place exclusively for professional purposes, that is to say relating to his work. The relationship between Prosystem Italia and its customers will therefore not be governed by consumer protection regulations, including in particular the Legislative Decree no. 185/1999
(contracts concluded at a distance), D. lg. 50/1992 (right of withdrawal), d.Ivo 24/2002, I.126 / 1991 and art. 1469 and ss. of the c.c.

Prices: The Prosystem list prices are expressed in Euro, net of VAT per single unit of measure.

Payment: For late payment after the deadline set by the invoice, the interest will be debited to the extent equivalent to the legal interest increased by three points and related expenses.

Suspensive conditions: Sales contracts are always concluded "subject to approval of the house".

Invoices: Any complaints or disputes on invoices will be accepted on condition that they arrive at the Prosystem Italia headquarters by letter, fax or e-mail within eight days from the date of receipt of the invoice.

Returns: The following provisions regarding returns will be applied in two different cases: In the event of an error Prosystem in the insertion of the order, in
shipment or delivery; In the hypothesis in which Prosystem decides in its discretion, or in agreement with the client, to apply a discipline of greater favor for the customer.

The goods are delivered ex ns. warehouse of Pianiga (VE). Unless otherwise specified by the client, the shipment is carried out in free port with the invoicing of the port charges on the basis of particular conditions stipulated with the respective carriers. The material travels at the risk and peril of the customer even if shipped carriage paid. Any complaints can be accepted only if notified by letter, fax or e-mail within eight days from the date of receipt of the material. Once this period has expired, every right of complaint is void.

Fixed contribution: For each shipment of less than Euro 100, in addition to the cost of the same, the amount of Euro 5.00 will be charged on the invoice corresponding to the fixed contribution calculated on a lump sum basis. The goods must be sent carriage paid to our office. headquarters of Pianiga (VE).

General conditions for acceptance of returns:
Request for authorization and clear reason for the return;
Return authorization by Prosystem Italia S.r.l .;
Vs. return note showing return authorization number e
Reference bubble number Prosystem;
Products not damaged, packaging and labels intact;
Products not in the catalog, or otherwise supplied on the basis of specials
customer requirements are not accepted;

In the event of a customer error, a penalty corresponding to 20% of the value of the goods will be applied, and transport costs will be charged.

Warranty conditions
The principal / seller house transfers the guarantees granted by the representative companies to the client / purchaser.
In particular, the guarantee is valid for hidden defects and for non-obvious defects in materials. Damage caused by causes external to regular assembly and normal operation or due to tampering, are excluded from warranty